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Laryngitis :- Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and General Home Care of Laryngitis


Laryngitis is an inflammation in the vocal cords in the larynx, has many causes. The larynx is the organ of voice in mammals. It is commonly known as the voice box. Laryngitis is rarely serious. It usually last less than 7 days.

The larynx is a tubular chamber about 2 inches (5 cm) high. It consists of walls of cartilage bound by ligaments and membranes, and moved by muscles

Causes of Laryngitis

Laryngitis may be acute which is short lived and chronic whose duration may be long or may have recurring tendency. In some respects the dis­ease resembles croup, but it is usually devoid of the peculiar sonorous inspiration, which is there in the croup. It may be added that whilst laryngitis is a disease of more advanced life, croup for most part attacks children.

Acute laryngitis is a short-term viral or bac­terial throat infection, often caused by a cold. It may also be caused by some other irritation such as smoking. Some people may suffer from chronic laryngitis, such as those who have smoked excessively, who work in a dusty envi­ronment, or who use their voices continuously. Other causes of this disease are sudden change of climate, wet feet and previous illness, etc.

Symptoms of Laryngitis

Larynx is the name given to voice box. It sits at the top of the windpipe and at the lower end of the big cartilage in the neck. Inflamma­tion of the larynx is known as laryngitis. There may be swelling and secretion of mucus. It may lead to hoarseness or sometimes even to loss of voice. There may be soreness of the throat, which may be tender to touch with difficulty in swal­lowing. It may produce pain in the throat while speaking. Fever as accompanying phenom­ena is more common in children than in adults. There may be barking cough with difficult breathing. The sleep of the child is interrupted by paroxysms of hoarse cough. A metallic sound is heard during inspiration and in the cough.

Diagnosis of Laryngitis

How the doctor treats your laryngitis depends on why you have it. If the laryngitis is from a viral infection, the doctor will recommend lots of fluids and resting your voice by talking as little as possible. Being quiet can be hard, but it can be fun, too - especially if you get to show people what you're trying to say by drawing pictures or acting things out.

If stomach acid is causing your laryngitis, the doctor will talk to you about medication. You may have to change your diet and give up some foods that make the problem worse.

Treatment of Laryngitis

•  Hot foot and arm baths - 3days continuously at the beginning and later on weekly twice.

•  Enema daily for 3 days and mudpack to abdomen daily.

•  Throat packs for 45-60 minutes till the symptoms last:

•  Hot and cold fomentation to the throat and steam in­ halation daily thrice to provide symptomatic relief.

•  Fasting with fruit juice or lemon juice or vegetable soups until symptoms subside.

•  Warm saline water or honey water gargling provides soothing effect and also helps in clearing mucus from throat region.

•  Taking plenty of warm honey water with ginger juice causes counter irritation providing relief and foment the region relieving pain.

Prevention of Laryngitis

To prevent laryngitis, try not to talk or yell in a way that hurts your voice. A humidifier that puts more water into the air may also help keep your throat from drying out. Also, never smoke and try not to be around people who are smoking.

General Home Care of Laryngitis

•  Give as much rest to the voice as possible.

•  If laryngitis is accompanied by fever then bed rest will greatly help.

•  Drink lots of warm fluids.

•  Avoid consumption of alcohol.

•  Smoking should be stopped totally.

•  Steam inhalation will help.

•  Try to breathe through your nose.



If there is very high temperature which con­tinues for more than 72 hours.

If the cough is accompanied by blood or there is green or yellowish color phlegm.

If you hear noises in your throat when you breathe.

If there is severe pain in the ear or throat.

If the change in voice persists for more than a week.



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